Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Colorado Springs Professional Photographer | Award Winning Photographer

Over the years I have occasionally gotten up the nerve to enter my prints in the International Photographic Competition run by the Professional Photographers of America (PPA)Photographers are allowed to enter 4 prints each year, and they are subjected to a panel of certified judges, where the images are determined to be "merit-worthy" or not. The incentive to enter is to earn PPA "merits," or the "Seal of Approval," and when a photographer earns enough merits they can apply to receive a "Master of Photography degree" from PPASitting in on the judging is fun when it's not your print, and stressful as heck when it is. 

Last week I was happy to learn that 3 of my 4 prints earned merits, and that one was even selected for PPA's International Loan Collection! The Loan Collection travels to different exhibits and is published in a book. This is my first Loan Collection print, so it's pretty fun to finally achieve that distinction. So here are the images, and thanks to Raf Alvarado and Keith Ashley for helping me come up with the titles of the first two:

The Outsiders, International Loan Collection, PPA Seal of Approval, Kodak Gallery Award:

Still Sacrificing, PPA Seal of Approval:

Drink Decaf and Sleep Like a Baby, PPA Seal of Approval:

International Photographic Competition run by the Professional Photographers of America (PPA)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Colorado Springs Photography Workshops Summer 2010

Visit my site for new and aspiring photographers, aspiringphotographer.com, for more info about the workshops, and for articles about starting a business photographing babies and children.


Monday, June 07, 2010

Colorado Springs Baby & Child Photographer | Then & Now

This image of these sweet little sleeping children is one of my all-time favorites that I have created over the years. Their mom, grandma and I had already been through at least 4 hours of craziness when they both fell asleep and we were able to capture this beautiful moment. We worked for it, that's for sure!

One of my absolute favorite things about my job is having the opportunity to watch all my little friends grow over the years. When it's your own kids, or kids who you see every day, the changes aren't so obvious. But with the little ones who come to see me for portraits, I don't usually have the opportunity to see them in-between sessions, so the changes they've gone through can be pretty striking. So I am happy that I've had more opportunities to photograph this brother and sister over the past few years. It's been fun to see how they are still close and have such a great time together. They were in again recently (now 5 and 7, I believe!) and I wanted to share some of the fun images from their recent session as well as some from a session in between.