Thursday, January 10, 2008

January Update, and Fundraising Rummage Sale January 11th & 12th

Closing the studio and switching to home portrait parties and in-store portrait events has been a great move for me and my family. I am photographing more children than ever. There are certainly times when I miss the slower-paced sessions that gave me the opportunity to both better push my creativity, and get to know my clients and their children as friends. Finding a way to spend more time with my own children, though, is something I will never regret, and I am very happy with my decision to change the direction of my business. You can look for me to be back in action with portrait parties and other portrait events beginning in February, and I will announce my availability in my newsletter.

The only bad part of the whole thing has been seeing my studio building sit vacant for six months while I continue to pay a mortgage! I have found a way to make lemonade out of lemons, as they say, at least temporarily. A friend of mine suffered a broken neck and other injuries as a result of a car accident on Christmas day as she and her family were driving out of town for vacation. Kelly is well-loved in the community, and scores of people have pulled together to try to find ways to help the family. One of the things we are doing is holding a huge rummage and bake sale in my vacant building, with the proceeds going towards helping to make their home wheel-chair accessible. We are receiving donations for the sale today, 1/10/08, from 10am - 8pm, and the sale will take place on Friday, 1/11 and Saturday, 1/12 from 9-2. Our location is 15 S. Wahsatch Ave. (between Pikes Peak and Colorado), downtown Colorado Springs. We'd love to see you there!

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