Sweet Mahlia Simone turned 5 on Valentine's Day. This once 5lb. preemie baby has had no trouble catching up to her peers. This big girl has an even bigger personality with lots of emotion and girly drama. Her mommy and daddy have lovingly labeled her "high maintenance," which they say she definitely gets from their own passion for having things be "just right."
Mahlia has recently become an adoring little mommy to her 20-month-old sister, Lily. Since the day Lily was born, Mahlia has been completely hands-on in her care taking. She loves to help dress her, comb her hair, feed her, bathe her--and not to mention the occasional unsupervised diaper changing (and make-up application.) She loves playing with her own babies as well.
Mahlia is a smart little girl who is into reading, writing her name (along with many other letters) and she knows her phone number and address by heart. She's all "girl" and very passionate about Chapstick, lotion, glitter, jewelry, bags and shoes.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Cheap Eats With Your Kids!
As all moms know, sometimes you just gotta go out for dinner. Of course, this isn't an exhaustive list in the city, but it's a great list of kid-friendly restaurants in Colorado Springs that offer deeply discounted or downright free meals for children! Be sure to call to confirm the deal before you go, as restaurants can change their policies at any time.
Conway's Red Top--one kid eats free with purchase of special adult entree
Gunther Toody's--one kid eats free with paid adult
Texas Road House--one kid eats free with paid adult
Mission Inn--one kid eats free with paid adult
Fazoli's--kids eat for 99 cents
Denny's--2 kids eat free with paid adult
Mission Inn--one kid eats free with paid adult
Bennigans--kids eat free with paid adult
Lonestar--kids eat free with paid adultRed, Hot and Blue (BBQ) -- kids eat for 99 cents.
Applebees--kids eat for $1
La Casita--2 kids eat for free with any one combo meal purchase
Mission Inn--one kid eats free with paid adult
Gunther Toody's-- buy one hamburger, 2nd one is 5 cents.
Captain D's--2 kids eat free with paid adult. In store only.
Denny's--2 kids eat free with paid adult
Captain D's--2 kids eat free with paid adult. In store only.
Lonestar--kids eat free with paid adult
Red, Hot and Blue (BBQ) -- kids eat for 99 cents.
Conway's Red Top--one kid eats free with purchase of special adult entree
Gunther Toody's--one kid eats free with paid adult
Texas Road House--one kid eats free with paid adult
Mission Inn--one kid eats free with paid adult
Fazoli's--kids eat for 99 cents
Denny's--2 kids eat free with paid adult
Mission Inn--one kid eats free with paid adult
Bennigans--kids eat free with paid adult
Lonestar--kids eat free with paid adultRed, Hot and Blue (BBQ) -- kids eat for 99 cents.
Applebees--kids eat for $1
La Casita--2 kids eat for free with any one combo meal purchase
Mission Inn--one kid eats free with paid adult
Gunther Toody's-- buy one hamburger, 2nd one is 5 cents.
Captain D's--2 kids eat free with paid adult. In store only.
Denny's--2 kids eat free with paid adult
Captain D's--2 kids eat free with paid adult. In store only.
Lonestar--kids eat free with paid adult
Red, Hot and Blue (BBQ) -- kids eat for 99 cents.
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